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Camelia Loh

How to Uncover Hidden Potential in Fresh Graduates in 30-Minutes Interview

“I only have an hour to get to know this person — how can I possibly tell if they’re a good fit?”

I’ve been a recruiter for over two decades, and this is the single biggest concern I hear from hiring managers, especially those focused on bringing in fresh graduates.

Let’s face it: Traditional interviews, especially for those with limited work experience, rarely uncover those hidden gems. Resumes tell a story, but they rarely reveal the full picture.

Interview structured questions

Over the years, I’ve learned that the most successful hires often come down to these key factors:

  • Problem-solving skills: The ability to think critically, analyze situations, and find solutions — even when there’s no rulebook.

  • Learning agility: The willingness to embrace new challenges, adapt to change, and continuously acquire new skills — crucial in today’s fast-paced world.

  • Cultural alignment: A shared set of values, work ethic, and communication style that complements your team and thrives in your unique environment.

The challenge is finding ways to assess these intangible qualities within a typical interview timeframe, especially when dealing with fresh graduates who might have limited formal work experience.

That’s where I’ve developed a structured approach — a 30-minute “talent decoder,” that helps you see beyond the bullet points and identify the true potential within every candidate.

The 5 Interview Questions That Cut Through the Noise

Here’s the secret: Even with little formal work experience, fresh grads have a wealth of experiences you can tap into. Think about their passions — building apps, creating content, volunteering, launching side hustles. These endeavors become goldmines for assessing those crucial soft skills.

Here’s how to uncover them:

1. Unconventional Experience

Question: “Tell me about a project or activity you’ve been involved in — this could be anything from building a website to organizing an event — that you found particularly engaging. What drew you to it?”

Why it works: This goes beyond the resume, sparking genuine enthusiasm and revealing what truly motivates them.

2. Ownership and Initiative

Question: “What was your role in this project? What were you responsible for?”

Why it works: Uncovers their initiative, teamwork skills, and ability to take ownership, even in unstructured settings.

3. Navigating Challenges

Question: “What was the biggest challenge you faced during this project? How did you approach it?”

Why it works: Reveals their problem-solving skills, resilience, and self-awareness — crucial for navigating inevitable workplace obstacles.

4. From Challenge to Solution

Question: “Walk me through how you managed that challenge. What was the outcome? What did you learn from the experience?”

Why it works: Goes deeper than just identifying problems. Demonstrates their thought process, resourcefulness, and how they learn from experience.

5. Continuous Improvement

Question: “If you could go back and approach that challenge differently, what would you change and why?”

Why it works: Demonstrates a growth mindset, a willingness to embrace feedback, and a commitment to continuous improvement.

Why This 30-Minute Approach Works

This structured approach isn’t just about asking the right questions — it’s about creating a conversation that reveals a candidate’s true potential, even within a short interview. Here’s what you’ll gain:

  • You'll uncover hidden talents: Go beyond the resume and discover skills and experiences that traditional interviews often miss.

  • You'll see their problem-solving in action: Gain insights into how they think, how resilient they are, and how they tackle challenges independently.

  • You'll spot their learning agility: Identify those with a growth mindset—the candidates who are eager to learn, adapt, and evolve.

  • You’ll make more data-driven decisions: Move away from gut feelings and make informed hiring decisions based on tangible evidence of potential.

Final Thoughts

Hiring isn’t about filling a seat; it’s about investing in your company’s future. These techniques transform your interviews from surface-level conversations into powerful talent assessments. You’ll build a more engaged, productive, and future-ready workforce.

Want to unlock the power of Gen Z talent? Kabel helps you connect with the brightest young minds ready to make a real impact on your business. 

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