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Esther Low

"Problem Solver" on Your Resume? Yeah, Right. Here's How to Actually Prove It.

Problem solving skills on Resume

Let's be honest: We've all seen that phrase "problem-solving skills" on about a million resumes. It's like the most overused cliché in job-hunting ever.

But here's the thing: Employers don't care about what you say you can do. They care about what you've actually done. They want proof. They want to see you in action, tackling those real-life challenges and coming out on top.

So how do you stop sounding like every other generic resume out there and actually show employers that you're a real problem solver?

1. Ditch the "Skills" Laundry List

Listing "problem-solving" in your skills section is like saying you're "a really great person." It's nice, but it doesn't tell us anything specific.

Instead of just listing generic skills, show employers what you're capable of by telling them a story. Think of your resume as a highlight reel of your problem-solving wins!

2. The STAR Method: Your Secret Weapon for Storytelling

The STAR method is your best friend when it comes to crafting a story that'll make employers go, "Wow, I need this person on my team!"

Here's how STAR method works:

  • Situation: Set the scene. What was the problem or challenge? Was it a tight deadline, a conflict within a team, a drop in sales, a technical glitch?

  • Task: What was your role in tackling it? Were you the leader, a team member, or flying solo? What were you specifically responsible for?

  • Action: What steps did you take? Did you research solutions? Brainstorm ideas? Implement a new strategy?

  • Result: What was the outcome? What did you achieve? Did you meet a deadline, resolve the conflict, boost sales, or fix the glitch? Quantify your results whenever possible!

Example (Let's say you were in charge of social media for your student club):
  • Situation: The club's social media engagement had been dropping for months, and event sign-ups were at an all-time low.

  • Task: As the social media manager, it was my job to turn things around and get people excited about the club again.

  • Action: I analyzed our past posts, researched our target audience's interests, and created a new content strategy that focused on more engaging visuals, interactive polls, and student-generated content. I also ran targeted ads to reach new students and promoted upcoming events more effectively.

  • Result: Within 2 months, engagement increased by 20%, event sign-ups doubled, and we even gained 100 new followers!

3. Your Experience: Accomplishments, Not Tasks or Duties

Instead of just listing what you did at each job, use each bullet point to tell a mini-story about a problem you solved.


Instead of: "Assisted customers with product inquiries"

Write: "Resolved over 100 customer inquiries per day via phone and email, reducing customer wait times by 15% and improving customer satisfaction scores."

Instead of: "Managed inventory"

Write: "Implemented a new inventory tracking system that reduced stock errors by 10% and saved the company $5,000 per quarter."

Instead of: "Created marketing materials"

Write: "Designed and launched a new email marketing campaign that increased click-through rates by 20% and generated 100 new leads."

4. Problem-Solving Is Everywhere!

Think beyond your work experience. Did you overcome a challenge during a group project? Lead a fundraising initiative for a club? Even your hobbies and personal projects can showcase your problem-solving skills.


"I'm passionate about photography and run my own freelance photography business. When a client's event was rescheduled at the last minute, I quickly adapted my schedule, rearranged equipment rentals, and communicated the changes to all involved parties, ensuring a smooth and successful event."

5. Numbers Talk: Quantify Your Impact!

Whenever possible, use numbers to show the impact of your problem-solving skills. Numbers are like little credibility boosts that make employers go, "Wow, this person really gets stuff done."

  • Increased sales by 10%

  • Reduced customer complaints by 20%

  • Streamlined a process, saving the company 5 hours per week

  • Boosted website traffic by 15%

Final Thoughts on Problem-Solving Skills

So, ditch the generic resume that blends in with the crowd. It's time to show employers what you're really capable of.

Tell them a story. Highlight your wins. Prove that you're not just a problem-solver—you're a results-driven individual who can make a real impact.

Because at the end of the day, that's what every employer is looking for: someone who can get things done.

Ready to take your resume to the next level and unlock amazing opportunities?

Check out Kabel! We help you showcase your skills and connect with companies that value what you bring to the table.

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